Saturday 27 February 2010

the bruncheon club - part two

the chat after the eats.

the bruncheon club - part one


how has your week been? it's been busy times here, working, cycling, singing, sewing, sleeping (fitfully), cooking.

today we took a break from cooking for ourselves and went to the bruncheon club. to explain - in ye olde london town there's been a bit of a resurgence of supper clubs, lots of clever people creating small restaurants/cafes in their living rooms where you go and met new people and eat homecooked food. it's great fun and this weekend was the best so far.

the food was delicious, the company was interesting and friendly and the conversation was full of good stories and laughter.

here's a few photos of our good time and the great food...

gregg and his freshly make soda bread.

afore-mentioned bread with scrambled eggs and salad. yum!

grilled grapefruit with brown sugar... the palate cleanser before...

the best i've ever tasted pancakes...

Sunday 21 February 2010

i sew therefore i am

** here is the back of the skirt, which i forgot to show you. the zip serves no actual function, but i think it looks pretty.


how are things with you? how have you gotten on with trying to get down to melbs when i'm over? i so hope we can see each other! i miss you dreadfully - it's been almost 2 years since i have had a kitty spoon. sigh.

well, here's what i've been up to. we finally sorted out the spare room into a sewing studio for me. yay. it excites me ridiculously to have a little nanny space to do creative things.

this weekend has been most productive. i finished off the bag i started last week and made this skirt. it is seriously satisfying to make something from scratch to a wearable state. i have started so many things and just not finished them. mostly i think because i haven't had the space to dedicate to them.

as always, i miss you. i hope you are well and we can talk soon?

xxx nanny